Home Games How To Get Rocket League Keys And Crates

How To Get Rocket League Keys And Crates

How To Get Rocket League Keys And Crates

Are you a video game fan? Like playing Rocket League video game? Searching for how to get Rocket League keys and crates? If you are searching for this question then your search ends here. Currently in this article we are providing you the details on how to get Rocket League keys and crates.

Rocket League Keys And Crates

Rocket League is one of the popular soccer based video game. This game is available for PC, Playstation, Xbox One, OS X, Linux and many more. This is a soccer based game and in this video game ball is pushed by the opponents using featured cars. There is an option of trading available in this video game. With the help of trading option you can get rocket league keys and crates.

This video game Rocket League is full of cosmetics items, from fancy new cars to shiny, rare decals. The most basics items of this game are unlocked through playing the game, rewarded at the end of matches. However, rarer versions are found in crates.

You can get crates and you have a chance to drop as a random item at the end of an online match. This happens very rarely, however, so don’t be discouraged if you’re not running into many. Once you get one, know that an exclusive car, wheel, decal, or rocket trail may be waiting inside.

To open these crates, you need keys. As like in the case of CS:GO, the keys needed to open these random crate drops can only be bought. You can buy that keys one at a time, or in sets of 5, 10, and 20 from the marketplace of your platform. Head to the Crate Unlock or Manage Inventory menus to be directed to purchase options.

Keep in mind that you cannot trade your Rocket League keys and crates rewards for seven days after purchase/opening.

How To Get Rocket League Keys

There are 3 options available to get the Rocket League keys in the game.

Option 1: Buy Rocket League Keys In The Game

The developers of the game Psyonix distribute the coveted key ingame:

  1. First open Rocket League game and select “Garage” option for the main menu.
  2. Now Click “Manage Inventory”
  3. Choose the box you want to open.
  4. Now click the “Buy Buy” button
  5. You must pay the key with your Steam credit. Once you have used up your credit balance, you can add it via the “Load Credit” button.

Option 2: Exchange Rocket League Keys

You cannot sell your keys to other players directly in Steam, but you can exchange them for other items.

  1. In the Steam Trading Forum for Rocket League, players are now playing the latest Must Haves for the 2016/17 season! Among other objects – among other things also keys.
  2. Here you can either enter into offers or even offer items in exchange for a key.
  3. The abbreviation [H] for “have” and [W] for “want” are customary there. So, specify what you offer and what you would like to receive.
  4. By doing that interested parties will contact you.
  5. Once you find a trading partner, then use the in-game exchange window to complete the trade.

Option 3: Fast And Cost-Effective Way

You can buy Rocket league keys on DPSVIP.com

Dpsvip.com is offering Rocket League items at the cheapest price in the market. This is the fast way to get the keys when you are in need and in any some in urgently, as all the Rocket League keys are selling on DPSVIP.COM are full in stock to match customers’ demand.

RelatedRocket League Key Prices

So, this is all about Rocket League Keys and Crates. Follow these 3 options to get the keys to unlock the crates. If you have any doubts regarding this post, please comment below. Thank you for visiting our site @ leagueteamupdates.com


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