Home Games Champions Stats – League of Legends Champions Guide Wiki

Champions Stats – League of Legends Champions Guide Wiki

Champions Stats – League of Legends Champions Guide Wiki

Hello Gamers!! If you are a player of League of Legends game then check out this article. At present in this post, we are providing you brief info on League of Legends Champions. League of Legends is a best game and many millions of players are playing this game.

League of Legends Champions

League of Legends is a popular online game and in short it is abbreviated as LoL. The game was developed by Riot Games. League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game. The online battle arena game is available for Microsoft windows and Mac iOS. This game is a fast-paced, competitive online game that blends the speed and intensity of RTS and RPG elements. The online video game was initially released on October 27, 2009. The game can be played in multiplayer mode.

League of Legends game follows a freemium model and is supported by micro transactions. The game was developed by taking the inspiration of Warcraft III game. In this game players assume the role of an unseen summoner that controls a champion with unique abilities and battle against a team of other players. In League of Legends game there are many items and champions. This game has an ever-expanding number o champions, each with a unique design and playstyle. The gameplay is interesting and goes into a successful battle on the fields of justice.

Also SeeLeague of Legends Items

League Of Legends Champions

League of Legends Champions

  1. Aatrox, the Darkin Blade: A champion in League of Legends. Aatrox utilizes a special resource system instead of Mana. He fills up his Blood Well every time that he activates an ability or drains health from himself. If Aatrox dies with any blood in his Blood Well he revives and is then unable to revive himself for a moderate amount of time.
  2. Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox: Ahri is a playable female champion in the online game League of Legends. Ahri is a very mobile assassin class champion who requires a good deal of precision to pull off her abilities
  3. Akali, the Fist of Shadow: Akali is a ninja-like champion in the game League of Legends.
  4. Alistar, the Minotaur: A large minotaur who is a playable character in League of Legends. His name is a play on Allstar, a version of DotA made by Guinsoo. He is also voiced by Harlan Hogan who also did Thrall in Warcraft 3.
  5. Amumu, the Sad Mummy: Amumu is a tank champion in the strategy game League of Legends
  6. Anivia, the Cryophoenix: A DPS mage champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  7. Annie, the Dark Child: One of the heroes in the game League of Legends, Annie is known as the Dark Child. With her shadow bear companion Tibbers that she keeps with her in stuffed form, Annie contains the innocent desire to rule the world.
  8. Ashe, the Frost Archer: Ashe is a Champion from Riot Games’s League of Legends. Ashe specializes in dealing ranged damage whilst keeping her foes at a distance with constant slows.
  9. Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger: Aurelion Sol is a celestial dragon in the League of Legends universe with the power to create and move the stars themselves.
  10. Azir, the Emperor of the Sands: Azir is an unorthodox mage in League of Legends who commands soldiers of sand to deal damage.
  11. Bard, the Wandering Caretaker: A support champion from League of Legends.
  12. Blitzcrank, the Great Steam Golem: Blitzcrank is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends. He can be built as a tank, physical dps, or caster dps.
  13. Brand, the Burning Vengeance: Brand is fire-based caster champion who relies on syncing together his abilities in order to do massive damage.
  14. Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover: Caitlyn is a champion that has joined the League of Legends. She is a ranged physical DPS.
  15. Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace: A serpent-like champion that poisons her foes.
  16. Cho’Gath, the Terror of the Void: Cho’Gath is a tank class character in the strategy game League of Legends.
  17. Corki, the Daring Bombardier: Corki is a caster/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  18. Darius, the Hand of Noxus: Darius, the Hand of Noxus is a champion in the popular MOBA League of Legends.
  19. Diana, the Scorn of the Moon: A heretic of the sun-worshipping Solari tribe, Diana is resolved to destroy anyone denying the power of the moon.
  20. Mundo, the Madman of Zaun: Dr. Mundo is a tank/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  21. Draven, the Glorious Executioner: A ranged attack damage champion from League of Legends. He throws and juggles his twin axes to damage enemies.
  22. Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time: A slippery ability power champion in League of Legends who uses time to his advantage.
  23. Elise, the Spider Queen: A Champion from League of Legends
  24. Evelynn, the Widowmaker: Evelynn is a playable character in the strategy game League of Legends.
  25. Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer: Ezreal, The Prodigal Explorer, is a playable champion in League of Legends.
  26. Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom: Fiddlesticks is a champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  27. Fiora, the Grand Duelist: Fiora, the Grand Duelist is a champion in the popular MOBA League of Legends.
  28. Fizz, the Tidal Trickster: A melee assasin character in the League of Legends.
  29. Galio, the Sentinel’s Sorrow: Galio is a mage tank champion in League of Legends.
  30. Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge: Gangplank is a physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  31. Garen, the Might of Demacia: Garen is a playable Champion in the game League of Legends.
  32. Gragas, the Rabble Rouser: A Champion in the League of Legends. Known as the Rabble Rouser, he is obese and shamelessly in love with alcohol.
  33. Graves, the Outlaw: Malcolm Graves is a playable ranged champion in League of Legends. His stacking resistance ability and high damage output make him a dangerous champion in the right hands.
  34. Hecarim, the Shadow of War: Hecarim, the Shadow of War is a champion in the popular MOBA League of Legends.
  35. Heimerdinger, the Revered Inventor: Heimerdinger is a playable character in the strategy game League of Legends. He is most known as an effective lane pusher.
  36. Irelia, the Will of the Blades: Irelia is a melee Champion in game League of Legends.
  37. Janna, the Storm’s Fury: Janna is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends. She can be built as a support, caster dps, or physical dps.
  38. Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia: Jarvan IV is the next Demacian champion to enter into the League of Legends. Jarvans primary weapon is a large javelin and his armor is made of the scales and bones of defeated enemies.
  39. Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms: Jax is a lamppost wielding champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  40. Jayce, the Defender of Tomorrow: This is a champion in League of Legends, who plays both a Melee and Ranged class.
  41. Jhin, the Virtuoso: Jhin is a meticulous and deadly sniper in the League of Legends universe
  42. Jinx, the Loose Cannon: Jinx is a ranged AD champion in League of Legends
  43. Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance: Kalista is highly mobile marksman in League of Legends who can form a unique bond with one of her allies.
  44. Karma, the Enlightened One: Karma is the newest Ionian Champion that will join the League of Legends.
  45. Karthus, the Deathsinger: Karthus is a caster dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  46. Kassadin, the Void Walker: Kassadin is a caster/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  47. Katarina, the Sinister Blade: Katarina is a physical/caster dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  48. Kayle, the Judicator: Kayle is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  49. Kennen, the Heart of the Tempest: One of Shen’s two Ninja allies that join him on his quest to fight on the Fields of Justice.
  50. Kha’zix, the Voidreaver: This is a character in League of Legends that plays a Jungle role.
  51. Kindred, the Eternal Hunters: The living manifestation of death’s duality, Kindred stalks the jungle in Riot’s popular MOBA.
  52. Kog’Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss: Kog’Maw is a playable champion in the game League of Legends.
  53. LeBlanc, the Deceiver: A mage champion in League of Legends. She excels at misleading her foes.
  54. Lee Sin, the Blind Monk: Lee Sin is a champion in the game league of legends that uses energy as a resource.
  55. Leona, the Radiant Dawn: Paladin tank character in the game League of Legends.
  56. Lissandra, the Ice Witch: Lissandra’s magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible.
  57. Lucian, the Purifier: Lucian is a ranged AD champion in League of Legends.
  58. Lulu, the Fae Sorceress: Lulu is a supportive mage with a bubbly personality.
  59. Lux, the Lady of Luminosity: Lux is a playable champion in League of Legends
  60. Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith: Malphite is a tank/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  61. Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void: Malzahar is a playable character in the game League of Legends.
  62. Maokai, the Twisted Treant: Maokai is a Champion in League of Legends. He fills the role of a Melee Support/Off-Tank.
  63. Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman: One of the most effective DPS/ Pusher champions in the MOBA League of Legends.
  64. Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter: Miss Fortune is a playable champion in League of Legends.
  65. Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal: Mordekaiser is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends. He can be built as a tank, physical dps, or caster dps.
  66. Morgana, the Fallen Angel: Morgana is a caster dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  67. Nami, the Tidecaller: This is a character in League of Legends that plays a support role
  68. Nasus, the Curator of the Sands: Nasus the Curator of the Sands is a champion in the game League of Legends. His character is based on the Egyptian god Anubis.
  69. Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths: Nautilus is a new League of Legends champion that was released on 02/13/12.
  70. Nidalee, the Beastial Huntress: Nidalee is a caster/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  71. Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare: Nocturne is a fairly recent Champion to join the League of Legends. Described as a haunter of dreams, he is imprisoned to the League to do his Summoner’s bidding.
  72. Nunu, the Yeti Rider: One of the heroes in the game League of Legends.
  73. Olaf, the Berserker: Olaf is a playable champion in the game League of Legends.
  74. Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork: The first female robot champion to be introduced into League of Legends. Orianna’s abilities involve using a electronic ball to damage her enemies or protect her allies.
  75. Pantheon, the Artisan of War: Pantheon is a physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  76. Poppy, the Iron Ambassador: Poppy is a tank/physical dps in the strategy game League of Legends.
  77. Quinn, Demacia’s Wings: Quinn, Demacia’s Wings, is a playable Champion in League of legends.
  78. Rammus, the Armordillo: Rammus, The Armordillo, is a playable champion in League of Legends.
  79. Rek’Sai, the Void Burrower: A vicious Void creature in League of Legends who creates networks of tunnels. Also, she’s a girl.
  80. Renekton, Butcher of the Sands: Renekton is a melee hero who uses an alternate resource called “fury” to augment his abilities.
  81. Rengar, the Pridestalker: This is a champion in League of Legends that plays a Jungle role.
  82. Riven, the Exile: Riven is a female Noxian champion from the free to play game League of Legends. Riven wields a broken sword as her primary weapon.
  83. Rumble, the Mechanized Menace: Rumble is a mage hero in the game League of Legends. He uses a new resource system called “heat”.
  84. Ryze, the Rogue Mage: Ryze is a champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  85. Sejuani, the Winter’s Wrath: Sejuani, the Winter’s Wrath is a tank/jungler in the popular MOBA League of Legends.
  86. Shaco, the Demon Jester: Shaco is a caster/physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  87. Shen, the Eye of Twilight: A Ninja that has been sent to the Fields of Justice to fight for the Kinkou.
  88. Shyvana, the Half-Dragon: One of the newer and popular Champions, Shyvana is a mana-less half dragon, capable of spewing fire and leaving a trail of flames in her wake. Her ultimate has her take flight and transform into her dragon form, adding special affects to her regular abilities.
  89. Singed, the Mad Chemist: Singed is a tank/caster dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  90. Sion, the Undead Juggernaut: Sion is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends. He can be built as a tank, caster dps, or physical dps.
  91. Sivir, the Battle Mistress: Sivir is a physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  92. Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard: An angry and wise being awoken to fight in the League in order to learn about the changed world for his race. This Champion was released on 08/08/11.
  93. Sona, Maven of the Strings: Sona is a support character in League of Legends. She specializes in buffing her allied Champions.
  94. Soraka, the Starchild: Soraka is a support/caster dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  95. Swain, the Master Tactician: Swain is a playable character in League of Legends.
  96. Syndra, the Dark Sovereign: This is a champion in League of Legends that plays a role of AP and Carry.
  97. Tahm Kench, the River King: A versatile tank champion from League of Legends.
  98. Talon, the Blade’s Shadow: Talon is the newest champion in the free to play MOBA, League of Legends. He specializes in stealth and close-range combat, used to devastate enemy’s carry.
  99. Taric, the Gem Knight: Taric is a versatile champion in the strategy game League of Legends. He can be built as a support, tank, or physical dps.
  100. Teemo, the Swift Scout: Teemo is a caster/physical dps in the strategy game League of Legends.
  101. Thresh, the Chain Warden: A champion in the League of Legends.
  102. Tristana, the Yordle Gunner: Tristana is playable champion from League of Legends. A megling gunner with a cannon the size of her entire body.
  103. Trundle, the Troll King: Trundle is a tank/melee dps hero in the game League of Legends.
  104. Tryndamere, the Barbarian King: Tryndamere the Barbarian King is a playable Champion in the game League of Legends.
  105. Twisted Fate, the Card Master: Twisted Fate is a champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  106. Twitch, the Plague Rat: Twitch is a physical dps champion in the strategy game League of Legends. Focusing on ambush tactics, he leaps from the shadows and poisons his enemies, making him a powerful and dangerous threat.
  107. Udyr, the Spirit Walker: Udyr is a champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  108. Urgot, the Headsman’s Pride: Urgot is a playable champion in League of Legends
  109. Varus, the Arrow of Retribution: Varus, the Arrow of Retribution is a champion in the popular MOBA League of Legends.
  110. Vayne, the Night Hunter: Vayne is a ranged DPS champion in League of Legends.
  111. Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil: Veigar is a caster champion in the strategy game League of Legends. His available skins include white mage, leprechaun, and greybeard.
  112. Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void: Vel’Koz is a champion in League of Legends.
  113. Vi, the Piltover Enforcer: This is a champion in a game League of Legends so far. It plays a role of ADC and Tank.
  114. Viktor, the Machine Herald: Viktor is a new mage pusher in The League of Legends. Interestingly, Viktor can be quite customizable to fit a number of situations thanks to his passive ability.
  115. Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper: Vladimir is a hemomancer champion in the strategy game League of Legends.
  116. Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar: Volibear is a character from Riot Game’s League of Legends.
  117. Warwick, the Blood Hunter: A melee DPS champion in League of Legends.
  118. Wukong, the Monkey King: An ambitious lad from the Plague Jungles, Wukong serves as a pupil to Master Yi to become the greatest warrior in Runeterra
  119. Xerath, the Magus Ascendant: Xerath is a Champion in the League of Legends. He offers a new way to play the Mage/Carry role. His specialty is in very long range and wide-area spells while rendered immobile.
  120. Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia: Xin Zhao is a playable champion in League of Legends.
  121. Yorick, the Gravedigger: A playable champion in League of Legends, Yorick is a shovel-wielding, ghostly figure who summons ghouls do do his bidding and turn the tide of battle in his favour.
  122. Zac, the Secret Weapon: Zac, also known as the Zaun Amorphous Combatant, is a goo-based champion from the online strategy game League of Legends.
  123. Zed, the Master of Shadows: A character in League of Legends that uses forbidden shadow masteries.
  124. Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert: This is a champion in League of Legends that plays a role of Ability Power and Carry.
  125. Zilean, the Chronokeeper: Zilean is a support/magical dps champion in the game League of Legends.
  126. Zyra, Rise of the Thorns: Blooming on the Fields of Justice, Zyra is a plant mage, controlling her enemies with seeds she can grow into powerful allies.

So, this is all about League of Legends Champions. If you have any doubts regarding this post, please comment below, we will reach you as soon as. If you like this post please share on your social media accounts like Google+, Twitter, Facebook, WhastApp and Pinterest. Thank you for watching our site.


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